
Showing posts from January, 2019

Healthy Lifestyle Change? It has to be in our way of thinking, speech and actions!

Just about each day over the last year I have prayed the Lord’s Prayer. That probably doesn’t sound like a really significant statement, as how often is it recited in liturgies or other settings, right?! For me it has been life changing! Do you know that first verse in Psalm 127? “Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain.” I’ve always thought that verse referred to families, and even so, families are made of people. If we as individuals are trying to make our own way, apart from the truths in God’s Word, then just as our life isn’t being built by Him, neither will our household be built by Him.  You and I can embrace every diet and exercise fad that comes along. We can follow the workout instructor or nutritionist who inspires us on social media. We can do all sorts of things, but if we don’t give the battle to the Lord, and let Him build our house, then we won’t really succeed. What does success truly look like? I’m certain there are physic

Health... It's Not Really About the Numbers

Well, I’m beginning the new year without meeting my weight goal. But that’s okay! My goal of improved and more intentional health was the REAL pursuit, and THAT I have reached!! For a handful of years I felt like I was dragging myself through life, because I had no time, and no energy. I thought it was due entirely to the crazy adventurous, though exhausting life I lead. As the home educator of my two daughters, working a few part time jobs, and of course still cooking for my family, managing much of it, and occasionally helping my elderly in-laws here and there, I am going from morning till night (sometimes through the night), 7 days a week.  Whoever you are, and whatever details you could substitute for these, I’m sure you can relate!! Those of us busy adulting, do whatever it takes in life, don’t we?! While I’ve had legitimate concerns at times as to how much I could safely accomplish in life, it turns out there was another reason entirely that I was so exhausted, so fre