Health... It's Not Really About the Numbers

Well, I’m beginning the new year without meeting my weight goal. But that’s okay! My goal of improved and more intentional health was the REAL pursuit, and THAT I have reached!!

For a handful of years I felt like I was dragging myself through life, because I had no time, and no energy. I thought it was due entirely to the crazy adventurous, though exhausting life I lead. As the home educator of my two daughters, working a few part time jobs, and of course still cooking for my family, managing much of it, and occasionally helping my elderly in-laws here and there, I am going from morning till night (sometimes through the night), 7 days a week. 

Whoever you are, and whatever details you could substitute for these, I’m sure you can relate!! Those of us busy adulting, do whatever it takes in life, don’t we?!

While I’ve had legitimate concerns at times as to how much I could safely accomplish in life, it turns out there was another reason entirely that I was so exhausted, so frequently catching colds, etc.


Really, do I need to say more? I had no idea just how much sugar was sabotaging my productivity, health, and emotions!!

I am very blessed to lead a life as a wife to a good man, mother of two beautiful, amazing and accomplished daughters, teach weekly in my children’s one day a week school, work at a farm tending sweet animals with one daughter, and even earn money at the grocery store 23 hours a week! How convenient to work at the same place you get your groceries!! I have the privilege of serving in my church in a few different capacities, enjoy the most wonderful in-laws anyone could hope for, and be blessed by friendship with some incredible women, and also sweet relatives! How blessed am I?!

Yet I was exhausted, prone to tears, and had such a complaining spirit!! 

I knew a woman who worked on her personal health once her children were grown, so I thought I would do the same. The trouble was, I had several years before my younger child would graduate from high school. My right hip and knee were already in pain. Where would these joints be in 6 years?! Would it be too late? I couldn’t do load bearing exercise, so in a few years, would I even be able to stand on them?! Will I have started menopause, and be dealing with too many other health issues to try to tackle my fitness level too? I have friends who have talked about their menopause journeys. Would my symptoms be that much worse because I was so overweight?!

I couldn’t put it on hold any longer, but I couldn’t imagine where I’d fit time in for exercise, and how I’d manage to take the time to prepare healthier foods for myself. I had prayed so much about my concerns and desires. When I made poor food choices I felt like the Apostle Paul who lamented doing what he DIDN’T want to do, and NOT doing what he DID want to do! Paul and I could relate! 

Help came from my daughter. She was going to have her first baby goat which would take all her time, and she didn’t have time to join a soccer team. Phys Ed was still important, so I put together a walking plan for the 2 of us.  Until Missie, her goat was born, and then we were gifted Dakota, another goat who had to live in our house for 3 months, walking with my daughter went great, and got me started on my journey to health!!

My sister had given me a Fitbit, which was hilarious, as I am a pretty low tech person! I had planned to get my daughter a pedometer. I know, I’m so 1980’s!! My thoughtful and very generous sister got us both fitbits, and I have to admit, the stats are addictive and compelling for me!!

It took a bit of time to get into a routine, because at first I continued to disregard food labels and healthy portion sizes. It didn’t take too long though for me to realize that my walks were doing nothing more than helping me maintain my status quo. If I wanted to experience change, I had to make my diet line up with my level of activity!

I cut out added sugar, and most simple carbs. The. weight. fell. off!!! In 11 months I lost 61 pounds!!! Unfortunately, with the holidays, I gained some weight back before today, January 1. So, I’m no longer at my goal weight for the start of the new year. That’s okay!! The goal I HAVE reached is a lifestyle change! I am more intentional about my health than ever before in my life! I exercise consistently, but within the bounds of my schedule! I eat very healthy food, and abstain from the junk! I also enjoyed myself over the holidays, not wanting to be legalistic about what is a lifestyle change, rather than a diet!! 

In this last year of working on my health I stopped snoring!! I stopped having any heart burn. My resting heart rate has gone down considerably! I stopped getting sick every two months. I have ENERGY!!! I can run all the way from my parking space to the grocery store, and sometimes through it, because you know, I’m a busy mom with a family to feed, 3 part time jobs to work, and a plethora of other responsibilities! I need those grocery trips to be quick! I stopped feeling self conscious, as though I take up too much space. I walked a 5k with my husband!! I take little hikes with my family. I fit into clothes I wore 12 years ago! I can see and feel the muscles on my upper arms! (I was startled one day when I inadvertently flexed my arm for a task, and there was this big bump! Wow!! I had grown muscle!!)

Well, I’m starting the new year 4 pounds over my goal weight, but I’m okay with that. I reached the most important goal, which was to be aware and mindful of my health, to be a blessing to my husband with more energy to give him and the family, and an example to my daughters that if Mom can get healthy, they can be healthy too!! What more could I want?!

So come on new year!! Show me what you’ve got!! I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength, and He has made me an overcomer!! Hallelujah!!



  1. I completely agree with you that health is not really about the numbers, it's about how you FEEL and that in turn allows you to serve more and honor God in the process. I need inspiration to keep my good health as a priority so I'm hoping you continue to post here. I can feel your commitment and passion through your words. Congrats Blaky!

    1. The above comment is from me. Not sure why it didn't publish my name. Judy


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